What are some shocking human psychology facts Men VS Women?
Don't take this answer seriously, many of the points may not be applicable
Only 2% women consider them beautiful.
- Women are better at remembering pretty girls' faces because they are seen as probable dangers
- If a girl is really interesting to you then she will look at you privately when the people around you both are laughing.
- Women are more attracted to men who pay attention, someone who remembers details about them without having to be reminded.
- Women socialize by complementing each other, and they don't really mean it .
- Women have more taste buds than men.
- Females take longer time to make decision than males do but once they make a decision they are more likely to stick to it.
- Women are more persuaded by a man's sense of humor than his looks.
- Women are better liars than men.
- When a woman is attracted towards a man, she speaks in a higher pitcher than normal.
- Most of the women don't like to text first because they feel unwanted, awkward and annoying.
- The average amount of secret a woman can hide is 47 hours and 15 minutes.
- Girls like to hit guys playfully when she likes them.
- Men prefer to solve their problems
- Men don’t like comparison.They hate if any female will compare them to other male.
- Guys fear rejection, want attention, crave affection, and dream of perfection.
- Most of male love there Mothers and they express their love openly to her,but they respects their father even more but they can’t share openly even to their fathers also due to shyness.But deep inside down they have a huge affection towards their father.
- An average man gets bored after 26 mins of shopping.
- The average man lies to his colleagues, boss, or partner 6 times a day.
- Men stare at women for almost a year of their life.
- According to a survey, men can listen to their male friends for ages but can only listen a girl for 6 mins.
- Men change their minds 2 to 3 times more often than women do.
- Men tend to forget but never forgive.
- Most of the boys think of girls just like books. If the cover doesn't catch their eye, they won't bother to read what's inside.
- Men prefer to solve their problems without discussing them.
- Men like to make eye contact while talking with girls they like.
- Men thinks of marriage more than women after committing.
- According to Psychological facts of male study, Mostly boys want to be like his father.
- Men feel less attracted to women who cry often.